Pay a deposit Now for each booking and You will Receive A Total Discount of £
Currently you have not paid a deposit towards your bookings. On the day of your photo sessions you will not be entitled to the discount offered on the photo package by paying a pre paid deposit.
By choosing to pay a £5 deposit for each photo session you have booked you will get an extra £5 discount off of each of you photo sessions booked saving you a total of £.
Photo Days Price List
Pre Pay Deposit Prices
Pay On The Day Prices
Head & shoulder plus full length shots
(no change of clothes - 1 outfit)
Head & shoulder plus full length shots
(Change of clothes - 3 outfits)
The Casting Network Ltd is registered in England and Wales
company no. 2801428. Registered office: Handel House, 95 High Street, Edgware Middlesex HA8 7DB.